Family Acupuncture & Wellness is the leading acupuncture and functional medicine provider in the Portsmouth, New Hampshire area and beyond. Practicing a style of acupuncture that draws upon both the wisdom of Chinese medicine’s rich 3000-year history and the latest evidence-based research, our goal is to provide relief from suffering as quickly as possible. We are always striving to help resolve the root causes of pain and aim to help as many patients as possible reach a state of optimal health. Our painless style of acupuncture produces consistently quick results without the side effects of pharmaceutical medicine.
Cupping, much like acupuncture, is a very old form of treatment. How do you know if it’s something that would work for you? Learn about the benefits of cupping, as well as what you might expect if you have a cupping treatment.
You’ve probably heard the phrase “gut health” at some point in the recent past, or even heard someone refer to your microbiome. Check out some of the surprising impacts the gut microbiome specifically can have on your health.
Hyperthyroidism, or overactive thyroid, can cause a variety of symptoms that aren’t always easy to recognize. It’s often mistaken for other conditions. Here’s what you need to know. Overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, isn’t as common as you think.
As an award winning practice, we are always learning and perfecting our craft as a vehicle for growth. Heal with us, learn with us, and then keep growing with us.