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My husband and I decided a few years ago to have a baby. After six months of trying I called my doctor and she confirmed that I had PCOS. Which means I wasn’t ovulating on my own. They assured me though that it was still possible to have a child. At first I went along with their suggested treatment, but they rushed my body with drugs and shots and I ended up with hyper-stimulated ovaries. After about 6 months trying with them I decided to see some one who specializes in infertility. At the new practice they simply put me on clomid and I became pregnant with in two months of trying however at eight weeks I had a miscarriage and had a D & C. We then tried again this time with clomid and shots along with artificial insemination, and I got pregnant again, but unfortunately this pregnancy also ended in a miscarriage and another D & C.

After all of this, my husband and I decided to try one last time to have a child. I was doing a ton of research at the time, I decided I was going to try acupuncture and Herbs. I stared to see Adam and Betsy, who were great to work with, and did acupuncture once a week and took herbs. After two months I noticed changes, I just felt better. I went back to my fertility specialist, and they confirmed with ultrasound and bloodwork that I was ovulating naturally on my own (this had never happened without medication before)!!!

After four to five months seeing Adam and Betsy it worked!!! We were pregnant and had a beautiful baby boy we named Logan. And we were so happy to have had him naturally with no shots or artificial insemination.

-Chantel from N.H.