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Cupping has been part of Chinese Medicine for at least 3000 years.

Cupping has historically been used to treat a variety of different conditions, but it is most commonly implemented today to treat musculoskeletal conditions involving tight muscles. It can be done all over the body, but it is most often utilized on the upper and lower back, neck, and shoulders. Its also very effective treating tension headaches and tight muscles in the legs.

It’s important to mention that the marks themselves are, despite being pretty dramatic looking, completely painless—almost everyone reports that cupping feels fantastic.

Although we certainly can do it as a standalone treatment, in our practice we usually do cupping in conjunction with another treatment. Both acupuncture and infrared sauna treatments are also fantastic for relaxing sore tired muscles—most people find that combining them with cupping provides a synergistic effect stronger than using any single treatment alone.

Conditions We Treat

Conditions We Treat