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Since the thyroid regulates several of your body’s core processes, a single problem with it causes a domino effect.

Adam Learner teaching about Thyroid and Adrenal Fatigue

What disorders affect the thyroid?

The thyroid is a hormone-producing gland in your neck that regulates many of your body’s processes. Some of the problems that affect the thyroid include:

  • Goiter: enlargement of the thyroid
  • Thyroid nodules: lumps on the thyroid
  • Hypothyroidism: the thyroid doesn’t make enough hormones
  • Hyperthyroidism: the gland makes too much thyroid hormone
  • Chronic thyroiditis, or Hashimoto’s disease: inflammation of the thyroid

How do you diagnose thyroid problems?

The thyroid produces two hormones, T3 and T4, which your blood delivers to every bodily tissue. The pituitary gland also produces thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which controls how the thyroid works.

While many practitioners solely test TSH levels for signs of thyroid issues, we look beyond those levels for other indicators of thyroid disease, including:

  • Gut issues and infections
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Toxicity
  • Stress hormone dysfunction
  • Immune system disorders


We understand that many thyroid problems don’t start in the thyroid, and we abide by the principle of “test, don’t guess.” By using lab tests, we can identify factors that could be contributing to your condition.

How do you treat the thyroid?

Thyroid-related issues are some of the most frustrating, misdiagnosed, and mismanaged conditions out there. At Family Acupuncture & Wellness, we take a comprehensive, highly customized approach to thyroid treatment. We focus on improving your long-term health by incorporating things such as functional medicine, Chinese medicine, and acupuncture into your treatment plan to achieve that goal.

Before your lab results even come in, we start with a personalized detoxification program to optimize liver function, reduce inflammation, and restore gut health. The detox plan also helps identify any gut or liver issues that may contribute to your thyroid problems.

Once we get your test results, we are able to craft a customized wellness plan to restore health, including:

  • Food recommendations
  • Nutritional requirements
  • Nutraceutical protocol
  • Online education and classes
  • Other relevant solutions


Adam Learner, LAc, spends a lot of time and attention with each person he treats, answering questions and providing thorough explanations. He provides one-on-one continued care to ensure treatment effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.

If you have complex symptoms that make you suspect a thyroid issue, get in touch with us to set up a personal consultation!

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